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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Upgrading SAP Kernel Patch

Task: Upgrade Kernel Patch Version 129 to 139.

To see the kernel version Goto |Commanad prompt and type:  disp+work
Down load the kernel patch for version 139.
Copy the selected version .SAR file into other folder
Copy select file into C:/KE
After copying go to command prompt and type sapcar –xvf filename.sar
First uncar db file
Uncar exe sar file

Exit the command prompt.
Stop the services
Oracle listener
oracle agent
oracle service in above sequence only

goto service.msc and select above services and stop services.

Now goto C drive where new files are copied and select all the files and paste  into C:\usr\sap\M47\SYS\exe\run

Log Off the system and start the services in reverse manner which they have stopped.

Once u login ur kernel version will be updated to see the current kernel version goto command prompt and type disp+work

As an alternate u can see the kernel version form sap screen. To see go to system and select status

Click on other kernel button or shift+f5

New kernel version is also displayed

Kernel Version is updated.