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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Could not retrieve a password for credential: ReaderRights(200,101)


Could not retrieve a password for credential: Reader Rights(200,101)  while accessing adobe interactive form.

You have got error while testing interactive form report FP_TEST_IA_01


This error usually comes when there is mismatch between adobe credentials certificate or there are no certificates are installed in your system.

Installing and Configuring Credentials

Requesting Adobe Credentials :

Open an SAP customer message under the component BC-SRV-FP-ICF. In the message text, write that you require a credential for the Adobe Interactive Forms scenarios. In the message, include an e-mail address to which the credentials can be sent. The persons responsible will then contact you directly.

Note that only one credential can be assigned for each customer number. The credentila is valid for all Adobe Document Services installations for this customer number. The credential you will receive is a PKCS #12 (.pfx) file that you need to install and a .txt file which contains password.

Installing a PKCS #12 Credential

Once you receive your PKCS #12 credential file, you must install the file in the appropriate location on your file system.  Upload  the credential file (<filename>.pfx) to the /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/global/AdobeDocumentServices/TrustManagerService/trust/credentials directory.

Configuring Credential Attributes used by ADS

From Visual Adminstrator tool Navigate to Cluster > Server 0 > Services > Document Services Configuration and add credentials as follows. Use Alias as "ReaderRights". Browse the file from /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/global/AdobeDocumentServices/TrustManagerService/trust/credentials and select .pfx whilch you have receive.

Maintain Same Alias and password under tab Passwords and click on Add.

This is optional. If not you will be ended with error

Credential login error while applying rights to pdf

Restart Services -  Document Services Trust Manager Service and Pdf Manipulation Moule .
Restart Java Instance from Tcode SMICM > Administration > J2ee Cluster Global > With Restart.

After java stack is restarted execute report FP_TEST_IA_01 with ADS connection.

Once the connection is successful you will get pdf file opened in SAP GUI.

SAP Notes
Note 944221 - Troubleshooting if problems occur in forms processing
Note 736902 - Adobe Credentials
Note 894009 – ADS: Configuration Guide (NW 7.0)
Note 685571 – Printing pdf based forms

SCN Documents

Request temporary key at following url