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Monday, July 1, 2013

Logon balancing error 88: Cannot connect to message server (rc=9)

Error :          


While performing SSO test from Java portal you receive error "Logon balancing error 88: Cannot connect to message server (rc=9)"

Additional error information:  Error: service '?' unknown




As the error is related to message server we need to look in services file for entry sapmsSID  3600/tcp. If this entry is there we need to investigate logs further.


In my case following resolution worked and could able to perform SSO configuration.


Login into portal and navigate to tab > System Administration > System Configuration > Brose portal content > System Landscape > Open Object SAP_BW > Under Display Object Change PORT to 3600. By default entry was SAPmsSID  by which it could not resolute the port address. After changing this to port number 3600 SSO worked well.