SAP offers a wide range of add-ons that you can use to enhance your standard SAP system. These add-ons can be Industry Solutions, plug-ins, or customer-specific development projects.SAP Add-On Installation Tool (transaction SAINT) was developed to enable users to install and upgrade add-ons directly from their standard SAP system. You do not need to access the operating system or restart the system. Prior to installation, numerous import conditions are checked to ensure that only add-ons that fit the available SAP system can be installed.
The Add-On Installation Tool is delivered in its own Support Package, the SPAM/SAINT Update. We enhance and improve the tool constantly, and recommend that you always import the latest version from SAP Support Portal before performing an installation or upgrade
· The Change and Transport System (CTS) is configured correctly
· There is enough space in the transport directory (UNIX: /usr/sap/trans)
· You are using the latest version of Add-On Installation Tool
· If you have already executed a modification adjustment (for example, in the development system) and have created an adjustment transport from it, then you can include it in the follow-on systems in the installation queue. You must have distributed maintenance certificates in your system if you want to import SAP add-on packages.
· At OS level EPS/in contents are owned by sapsid and belongs to sapsys group(unix). Folder will have permission of 777 to its subfolders and contents.
· All open data requests need to be processed before upgrade. All setup tables must be cleared if your system is connected to BI.
· De schedule all background jobs.
· Add-On Installation Tool checks compliance with import conditions, such as the SAP NetWeaver Release and the Support Package level of the various software components, accepting or rejecting them accordingly.
· Restart capability - The installation itself can be restarted, like the Support Package import process.
· Special import procedure - You can use a special import procedure to reduce downtime while importing add-on packages
· Background Processing - You can also schedule the modules with defined start times for background processing.
Loading Installation Packages from the Frontend – This option allows you to upload packages directly from your computer. After selecting this option navigate to the package path and decompress it. This will copy uncarred files to /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in. If the patch size is more than 10MB this option is not suggestable.
Loading Installation Packages from the Application Server - Put all downloaded addon files in a directory and uncar .SAR, .CAR files using sapcar –xvf abcd.sar command. This will extract .PAT and .ATT files in /EPS/in folder in current working directory. Uncar all file and upload these file to your sap server at path \usr\sap\trans\EPS\in or directly you can uncar the files on your server at OS level.
Once uncarred packages are uploaded on to the server go to transaction SAINT > Installation Package > Load packages > From application server. In initial screen all installed components are displayed. Click on start to start installation process.
Installing and Upgrading Add-Ons
Logon to the client 000 with the user have authorizations like sap_all profile. Do not log in with user ddic and sap*.
The Add-On Installation Tool guides you through these. Use the Continue button to move to the next step. Choose Back to return to the previous step.
Define the installation queue - Since it is often not only one add-on that is installed but several add-ons at the same time you first have to select the add-on packages that are to be installed. From the add-on packages that are selected, the system calculates the installation queue in the right order, that is, all packages that the installation consists of.Depending on whether your system is configured in the Solution Manager or not, you can define the installation queue using a stack configuration (Solution Manager) or manually.
Define the start options or check those selected - You can define start options for the individual modules according to your system requirements. If you confirm the dialog field without changing any settings, the import tool assumes the default start options, according to the selected import mode. If you change any settings, you can save them as a template for future import activities.
If you have modified SAP objects from the add-on that you want to install, you need to adjust these objects when importing them. This ensures that your modifications are not overwritten by SAP objects. Transaction SPDD adjusts Dictionary objects, while transaction SPAU adjusts repository objects.
If you have already performed the modification adjustment in a system (in a development system for example), you do not need to perform it manually in the follow-on systems (quality assurance and production systems). You can include the transport requests that you created for the modification adjustment (modification adjustment transports) in the installation queue. The modification adjustment then takes place automatically when the queue is imported.
Modification Adjustment for Dictionary Objects - Transaction SPDD
Modification Adjustment for Repository Objects - Transaction SPAU
These modifications will be taken care by developer.
The queue calculation log displays detailed information for queue calculation. The log is structured hierarchically. The highest package occupies the highest position. This log provides you with various details, including the prerequisites for importing the package. You can thus to determine which prerequisites have not been met, preventing successful queue calculation.
If analyzing the log does not solve your problem, you can save it, using the print function. You can then send a problem message to SAP and include the log as an attachmen
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