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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

SAP Router Installation


general Information about saprouter from the link.

  • I would like to highlight steps required for successful sap router installation and configuration.
  • 1- First download required files from


                    Required applications consist of ;


                    'SAP Cryptographic Software'


    'SAPROUTER' file can be found at


    Downloads - SAP Software Distribution Center – Download - Support Packages and Patches - Additional Components – SAPROUTER -SAPROUTER 7.10 - SAPROUTER 7.10 – Windows Server on x64 64bit     


    Find  'SAP Cryptographic Software' from;


    Downloads - SAP Software Distribution Center – Download - SAP Cryptographic Software -  SAP Cryptographic Library Microsoft Windows 2003 for x86_64


    2- Copy downloaded files into c:\usr\sap\saprouter (created manually)


    3- Use sapcar.exe  tool to unpack *.sar extension files.


    Browse to c:\usr\sap\saprouter  in command prompt and execute

    1. sapcar.exe -xvf saprouter.sar
    2. sapcar.exe -xvf 90000114.SAR


    4- To get saprouter certificate you should obtain Distinguished name and execute command as example.

    sapgenpse get_pse -v -r certreq -p local.pse "<Your Distinguished Name>"     


    This command created 2 files  "Certreg" and " local.pse".


    Content of "Certreg"  file should copied.       


    5- Browse to below adress Here we should insert content of certreg file.


    6- Paste content copied from web into "srcert" file which created at c:\usr\sap\saprouter with no extension.


    7- Execute sapgenpse import_own_cert -c srcert -p local.pse at folderC:\usr\sap\saprouter  


    8- Determine which windows account user will use saprouter and execute command below accordingly;

    sapgenpse seclogin -p local.pse -O <user_for _saprouter>           

    This command executed created "cred_v2"  file


    If this file not created this 2  comands should solve the problem.            

    sapgenpse get_pse -v -noreq -p local.pse "<Your Distinguished Name>"

    sapgenpse get_pse -v -onlyreq -r certreq -p local.pse



    9- Create an empty file with no extension name as "Saprouttab"  at C:\usr\sap\saprouter folder.


    This file will include access authorization rights.Depending on the required usage saprouttab have to be configured.


    Saprouter can be used in 2 different ways;

    1- Can be used for Sap OSS service.

    2- Can be used for sap users to access sap systems from outer network.


    For more information about saprouttab parameters refer to link


    10-  You should configure  Windows Environment variables to enable saprouter working environment.


    1.Variable name: SAPROUTTAB  Variable value: C:\usr\sap\saprouter

    2.Variable name: SECUDIR          Variable value: C:\usr\sap\saprouter

    3.Variable name: SNC_LIB          Variable value:  C:\use\sap\saprouter\sapcrypto.dll


    11- To see saprouter settings use sapgenpse get_my_name -v -n Issuer command and evaluate.


    12- To start saprouter  manually use command saprouter.exe –r 3299 –K "Your Distinguished name" –V 2 –G "c:\usr\sap\saprouter\router.log" –W 60000

    For detailed information about parameters please refer to link


    13- To close saprouter from command prompt use saprouter -s


    14- To check saprouter configuration and connection you can use telnet as explained below;


    For external access you should configure NAT of your router. Forward  3200-3299 port interval to your saprouter's local ip adress.


    -To check if saprouter is correctly configured for sap oss connection try telnet <ip adress> 3299


    -To check if saprouter is working from another computer you can use telnet <hostmane or ip> 3299


    -To check saprouter connection with sapgui you should enter saprouter string /H/externalip/W/password/H/


    15 - To configure oss connection go to tcode oss1 and enter details and try to logon.


    16- You can use saprouter as windows service also;


    Please check Note 525751 - Installation of the SNC SAPRouter as NT Service.


    Service from the command line: ntscmgr install saprouter -b <path>\saprouter.exe -p "service -r -W 60000 -R <path>\saprouttab -K p:<your_distinguished_name>"