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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

You do not have the necessary rights to design reports against the SAP system



While connecting to SAP system you get error  Logon failed.

Details: You do not have the necessary rights to design reports against the SAP system.  Please check with your system administrator.





Before trying to connecting to your sap system you need to import transport request available in folder


C:\Documents and Settings\Maheshk\Desktop\DATA_UNITS\CrystalReports\Collaterals\Add-Ons\SAP\Transports


After finishing of transports provide  user with authorization object ZSEGREPORT with activity 01.


After authorization is provided user can connect to sap system through crystal reports.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Failed to connect to BI platform



While connecting to BI system from dashboard designer Query Browser > Add Query > After logging onto BO system, while browsing for query you get error " Failed to connect to BI platform. If this error keeps occurring then refer SAP note 1668437 for trouble shooting





This error comes because system could not reached your BO web server. For trouble shooting follow SAP note 1668437.


As per SAP note perform all tasks and check port number under url Win2003EEx64:8080/dswsbobje. Same Port number need to be maintained in

CMC > Applications > Web service > Under Properies maintain same port number which you have got from testing with reference to above said note.






SAP Document Management System (DMS) Installation

SAP Document Management System (DMS) Installation

Applies To

Operating System : Windows Server 2008 R2
Database : Max DB


The Document Management Service (DMS) is a service of the information management infrastructure provided by the Knowledge Provider within the framework of SAP Web Application Server. The central task of the DMS is to process documents and document-like objects on the bas is of application-specific content models. Only the DMS can modify document administration data and save this data in as storage medium, such as the SAP database.


Pre Requisite
Required SAP Component Level
IIS Roles Required
Firewall Settings
Content Server Installation
Testing Content Server Installation 
Windows Server Tasks before Configuring SAP 
MAX DB GUI Installation
Configuring SAP to Connect to DMS References


In recent years , the increasing complexity of products has led to increasingly complex development tools , such as computer-aided  design  (CAD)  systems , and  m ore  advanced  production  processes , such  as  computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems . CAD and CAM tools have been used to optimize production times and quality.

As this process becomes m ore complex, the systems for managing the technical documents involved need to be m ore sophisticated. The m any different procedures for describing products (such as design drawing, photographs, and texts) mean that there is a huge increase in digitally stored data.

The quality and availability of documentation is becoming increasingly important. The Document Management
System (DMS) in the SAP System offers the following advantages:

If you link document management to computerized development and production systems, you avoid data redundancy, maintain consistency of data, and minimize the workload involved in entering and updating your data.

In order to us e large databases to the full, you need to be able to exchange data quickly and securely. You can access your data directly using electronic search tools, or find documents using known parameters. You can also search for and display documents (original application files) via the Internet/intranet.

You can us e document distribution to distribute documents that are managed in the document management system (DMS) either manually or automatically according to company-specific processes. This ensures that the employees responsible or external partners can view or process up-to-the-minute information.

Pre Requisite
Required SAP Component Level

S​​AP Component

















Operating System Components


SAP Component


Windows Operating System

Server 2003/2008/Windows7

IIS Version


Microsoft Office Version


Hard Disk Space

For OS 50GB


4GB Min


Download Software Components


Installation Master

Service.s /s wdc > SAP Netweaver > SAP Netweaver

7.0 > Installation and Upgrade > Micros oft Windows >

51038621_11 , 51038621_12 , 51038621_13 ( Depends on your Operating System )

SAP Content Server 6.40

Service.s /s wdc > SAP Netweaver > SAP Netweaver

7.0 > Installation and Upgrade > Micros oft Windows >


Max DB Release 7.6

Service.s /s wdc > SAP Netweaver > SAP Netweaver

7.0 > Ins tllation and Upgrade > Micros oft Windows >



Service.s /s wdc > Search for Software Downloads > Search with term 51020621 > Download CD RDBMS SAP DB 7.3.0 Build 46 RELIANT



IIS Installation



On Windows Server navigate to following menu

Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Server Manager > Click Add Roles to install IIS on Windows Server and follow screenshot.







IIS Roles Required


Common HTTP Features

Static Content , Default Document, Directory Browsing, HTTP Errors , HTTP Redirections

Application Development

ASP .NET, .NET Extensibility, ASP, CGI, ISAPI Extensions ISAPI Filters , Server Side Includes

Health and Diagnostics

HTTP Logging, Request Monitor, Logging Tools , Tracing Custom Login, ODBC Logging


Basic Authentication, Windows Authentication, Request Filtering


Static content Com pres s ion, Dynamic Content Compression

Management Tools

IIS Management Cons ole, IIS Management Scripts and Tools ,Management Service

IIS 6 Management Compatibility

IIS 6 Meta base compatibility, IIS 6 WMI Compatibility ,IIS6 Scripting Tools , IIS 6 Management Cons ole



Firewall Settings


Navigate to Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Windows Firewall with Advanced Security

Create A New Inbound Rule - Type for Port and allow the connections for all.




Content Server Installation















Testing Content Server Installation


Open a web browser and enter the following address .


replace server name with the name of your server ip address or hostname where content server has been installed. A response below will s how that content server is running.



Windows Server Tasks before Configuring SAP


Navigate to Start > All Program s > Administrative Tools > Server Manager (DMS Host Nam e) > Sites and Select SAP Content Server Site > Edit the perm is s ion to Full Control for Users .


Navigate to Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Server Manager (DMS Host Name) > Double click on ISAP and CGI Restriction and follow window will open. Click on Edit Feature Settings  and check Allowed  specified ISAPI Modules



Restart the IIS Server.

Open command prompt and enter following commands at specified paths in screenshots





MAX DB GUI Installation


Max DB GUI can be installed from CD number mentioned above

After Installing the GUI the below screen will com e. Right click on Servers and register an instance



Configuring SAP to Connect to DMS


Prerequisites :


ICM is configured correctly and profile parameter icm/s erver_port_0 is PROT=HTTP,PORT=80$$


You have created and RFC connection type TCP/IP connection with name SAPHTTP and registered program saphttp in technical settings . Keep other fields blank and test it.

Content Server & ICM Services are activated in trans action SICF


Go to trans action OAC0

Display Content Repository overview and Create a New Entry as shown below and test the connection. Clicking on m ail symbol will import the certificate.



Click on CSAdmin. If the connection is successful you will see following screen, which completes configuration from admin.




Note 1367514 - Regis try Settings in SAP Eas y Docum ent Managem ent